The AromaTouch Technique was created by Dr. Hill to help the body on many levels. The session includes using 8 essential oils (Certified Therapeutic Grade) in a specific sequence to help the body return to homeostasis (the body is relaxed and the Central Nervous System is calm).
Following the body's meridians and energy zones, these oils are massaged into the skin one at a time, in gentle rhythmic motions.
Following the body's meridians and energy zones, these oils are massaged into the skin one at a time, in gentle rhythmic motions.

This Technique helps the body's systems in 4 ways:
1. STRESS. Emotional, physical or financial worries can cause havoc on our body and mind. Over time this can lead to heart disease, depression, insomnia or even cancer.
2. TOXIC INSULT. The immune system depends on the body to produce white blood cells, and needs the organs and cells to work together to keep the body healthy. Exposure to toxins, hormones, pesticides and free-radicals can weaken our immune system.
3. INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE. Inflammation occurs when the body tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma or toxins. Foods that are high in trans-fats, high carbohydrate & low protein can also contribute to chronic uncontrolled inflammation and immunological dysfunctions.
4. AUTONOMIC IMBALANCE. The imbalance of the autonomic nervous system (the opposite of homeostasis) can impact our health in a number of ways. We may experience high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems and even mortality. Restoring balance in our body can reduce the physiological impact of the stressors we face everyday.
FEE: $90 One Hour Session
Book your session using my online calendar: CLICK HERE and choose the time that suits you best!
1. STRESS. Emotional, physical or financial worries can cause havoc on our body and mind. Over time this can lead to heart disease, depression, insomnia or even cancer.
2. TOXIC INSULT. The immune system depends on the body to produce white blood cells, and needs the organs and cells to work together to keep the body healthy. Exposure to toxins, hormones, pesticides and free-radicals can weaken our immune system.
3. INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE. Inflammation occurs when the body tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma or toxins. Foods that are high in trans-fats, high carbohydrate & low protein can also contribute to chronic uncontrolled inflammation and immunological dysfunctions.
4. AUTONOMIC IMBALANCE. The imbalance of the autonomic nervous system (the opposite of homeostasis) can impact our health in a number of ways. We may experience high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems and even mortality. Restoring balance in our body can reduce the physiological impact of the stressors we face everyday.
FEE: $90 One Hour Session
Book your session using my online calendar: CLICK HERE and choose the time that suits you best!

Healing does not simply occur on the physical level only. Healing is the restoration of a person on all levels. It is the releasing of interference in the body and the balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Is this a possibility in your reality?
Our well being is not purely a physical issue. Many more practitioners are now treating patients in a holistic manner. That is to say, we are body, mind and spirit and none of these areas function entirely alone; each has an effect upon the other. This is why healing with the Essential oils can be so helpful.
Possible benefits of a Chakra Balancing using essential oils are:
1. Increased awareness, and greater sense of intuition.
2. Enhanced ability to heal on a mental, emotional and physical level.
3. Release of non-supportive beliefs.
4. Greater awareness of living in the Now.
5. Increased sense of love of self and others.
6. Greater self confidence.
7. Physical detoxification.
8. Strengthen your immune system.
9. Awareness and release of emotions.
10. Release stress, and have a sense of calm.
Seven main Chakras
There are seven main energy centers, or chakras, of the body. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. If there is a block in one or two chakras, the energy in our body can become stuck, and manifest in a physical or emotional way. We use the DoTerra essential oils to balance and enhance our body's energy centres/chakras and also to help stimulate our body's own healing process.
1. ROOT CHAKRA – The root chakra is located at the base of our spine and corresponds to the color red. This chakra relates to our basic human instinct for survival, security and stability.
Affirmation: “I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure”
2. SACRAL CHAKRA – The sacral chakra is located in the navel area. The color of this chakra is a deep orange and relates to reproduction on a physical level, as well as relationship, joy and creativity on an emotional level.
Affirmation: “I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life”
3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – This chakra is located just below where the rib cage meets. The solar plexus chakra relates to digestion and is a vibrant yellow color. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal power, control and spiritual evolution.
Affirmation: “I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures”
4. HEART CHAKRA – The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest and is a mid-green color. This chakra is one of the most important meditation tools for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the heart chakra are unconditional love, compassion and wellbeing.
Affirmation: “Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”
5. THROAT CHAKRA – This chakra is centered in our throat and has a color of pale blue. The throat chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to truth, maturity, independence and the ability to trust others.
Affirmation: “My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly”
6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA – The third eye chakra is positioned in the center of our forehead, between our eyebrows. Also known as the brow chakra, it spins in a deep saturated dark blue hue and helps us tap into our inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions and attaining self realization.
Affirmation: “I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations”
7. CROWN CHAKRA – The crown chakra is located at the top of our head or in the crown area and corresponds to the violet color. The role of this chakra is based in awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through the integration of the self into the one universal form of intelligence.
Affirmation: “I am complete and one with the divine energy”
FEE: $70 One Hour Session
Book your session using my online calendar: CLICK HERE and choose the time that suits you best!
Healing does not simply occur on the physical level only. Healing is the restoration of a person on all levels. It is the releasing of interference in the body and the balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Is this a possibility in your reality?
Our well being is not purely a physical issue. Many more practitioners are now treating patients in a holistic manner. That is to say, we are body, mind and spirit and none of these areas function entirely alone; each has an effect upon the other. This is why healing with the Essential oils can be so helpful.
Possible benefits of a Chakra Balancing using essential oils are:
1. Increased awareness, and greater sense of intuition.
2. Enhanced ability to heal on a mental, emotional and physical level.
3. Release of non-supportive beliefs.
4. Greater awareness of living in the Now.
5. Increased sense of love of self and others.
6. Greater self confidence.
7. Physical detoxification.
8. Strengthen your immune system.
9. Awareness and release of emotions.
10. Release stress, and have a sense of calm.
Seven main Chakras
There are seven main energy centers, or chakras, of the body. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. If there is a block in one or two chakras, the energy in our body can become stuck, and manifest in a physical or emotional way. We use the DoTerra essential oils to balance and enhance our body's energy centres/chakras and also to help stimulate our body's own healing process.
1. ROOT CHAKRA – The root chakra is located at the base of our spine and corresponds to the color red. This chakra relates to our basic human instinct for survival, security and stability.
Affirmation: “I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure”
2. SACRAL CHAKRA – The sacral chakra is located in the navel area. The color of this chakra is a deep orange and relates to reproduction on a physical level, as well as relationship, joy and creativity on an emotional level.
Affirmation: “I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life”
3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – This chakra is located just below where the rib cage meets. The solar plexus chakra relates to digestion and is a vibrant yellow color. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal power, control and spiritual evolution.
Affirmation: “I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures”
4. HEART CHAKRA – The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest and is a mid-green color. This chakra is one of the most important meditation tools for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the heart chakra are unconditional love, compassion and wellbeing.
Affirmation: “Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”
5. THROAT CHAKRA – This chakra is centered in our throat and has a color of pale blue. The throat chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to truth, maturity, independence and the ability to trust others.
Affirmation: “My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly”
6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA – The third eye chakra is positioned in the center of our forehead, between our eyebrows. Also known as the brow chakra, it spins in a deep saturated dark blue hue and helps us tap into our inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions and attaining self realization.
Affirmation: “I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations”
7. CROWN CHAKRA – The crown chakra is located at the top of our head or in the crown area and corresponds to the violet color. The role of this chakra is based in awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through the integration of the self into the one universal form of intelligence.
Affirmation: “I am complete and one with the divine energy”
FEE: $70 One Hour Session
Book your session using my online calendar: CLICK HERE and choose the time that suits you best!